Shiny Apps
Each Shiny application is listed below, along with any relevant publication information.
MOTE: Magnitude of the Effect
- Shiny App
- GitHub
- Research Paper
- This app allows you to calculate many effect sizes and their confidence intervals. We have included mean differences and variance overlap effect sizes, their formulas, easy to copy output in APA style, help videos on how to use our app, and code for R users.
Alternatives to Null Hypothesis Significance Testing
- Shiny App
- GitHub
- Research Paper
- This app provides color visualization of the data from our paper that focuses on alternatives to NHST procedures. We include simulations of data that were significant, non significant, agreement statistics, and three-way interactive graphs. You can view results for ANOVA, Bayes Factors, and Observation Oriented Modeling statistics.
Bias of Variance Overlap Statistics
- Shiny App
- GitHub
- Research Paper
- This app provides color visualization for our paper that focuses on the bias, standard deviation, and standard error of variance overlap statistics, such as eta, omega, and epsilon. You can view our simulations across a range of sizes for each effect, as well as truncated (skewed) and rounded data.
LAB: Linguistic Annotated Bibliography
- Shiny App
- GitHub
- Research Paper
- Associated Website
- This set of apps are companions to our publication of the LAB - they are all combined into one page for easier viewing. They allow you to visualize the trends in publication across the years, stimuli types, and keywords. You can also search the table to find specific publications that include variables you might be interested im. These apps are mainly for researchers who use word stimuli, like those in cognitive and psycholinguistic research.
Word Norms Website
- Shiny App Single Words
- GitHub
- Shiny App Word Pairs
- GitHub
- Research Paper
- Associated Website
- These apps are designed to supplement our paper that includes the most recent feature production norms. You can use this information to create stimuli with specific characteristics, search our data, and view the statistics on our individual word sets. These apps are mainly for researchers who use word stimuli, like those in cognitive and psycholinguistic research.
Low Quality Data Screening
- Shiny App
- GitHub
- Research Paper
- This app allows researchers to use our low quality data screening methods without previous knowledge of R. You can load your own dataset and see the output from our function to determine if you wish to exclude participants who are marked as suspicious. All data from our screener can also be exported for later use.
Data Dictionaries
- GitHub DataSchema (Archived)
- Shiny App DD Creator
- GitHub DD Creator
- Research Paper
- This app allows researchers to create codebooks or data dictionaries for their projects. You will learn how to create meta-data that allows you to share your work with others in a meaningful way. Two apps with different levels of data entry are provided.
Word Space
- Shiny App DataSchema
- GitHub DataSchema
- Research Paper
- This app allows you to visualize semantic vector space models and learn how to create them if you are new to writing code in R for models like Latent Semantic Analysis and Topics Models.