Research Overview
Psycholinguistics and memory: Semantic memory, associative memory, priming of memory types, normed databases, linguistic variables, memory maps, judgments of memory, language statistics, working memory, individual differences.
Statistics: Alternatives to null hypothesis testing, effect sizes and confidence intervals, multigroup confirmatory factor analysis, item response theory, Bayesian inference statistics, hierarchical linear modeling, exploratory factor analysis, statistical reporting
Check out my research statement.
- The DOOM Lab (2019-Current)
- Harrisburg University of Science and Technology, Analytics
- Principal Investigator
- The DOOM Lab (2010-2018)
- Missouri State University, Department of Psychology
- Principal Investigator
- Positive Psychology - Clinical Disaster Research Center (2009-Current)
- University of Mississippi, Department of Psychology
- Researcher
- Geospatial Sciences Collaborative Team (2009-2011)
- University of Mississippi, Depts of Psychology, Computer Science, Health Exercise Science, and Geospatial Sciences
- Researcher
- Psycholinguistics Lab (2008-2010)
- University of Mississippi, Department of Psychology
- Principal Investigator
- Memory and Judgments Laboratory for Dr. William Maki (2006 -2008)
- Texas Tech University, Department of Psychology
- Graduate Researcher
- Memory and Aging Laboratory Dr. M. Kathryn Bleckley (2004-2006)
- Texas Tech University, Department of Psychology
- Graduate Coordinator and Researcher
- Cognition and Perception Laboratory Dr. Takashi Yamauchi (2003)
- Texas A&M University, Department of Psychology
- Undergraduate Research Assistant
Skill Set
- Programming knowledge: HTML, CSS, Perl, C++, PHP, MSSQL, MYSQL, Python, R, Shiny
- Software: SPSS (including syntax), Excel (macros/functions), AMOS, LISREL, RStudio, MPlus, Inquisit, Qualtrics, Observation Oriented Modeling (OOM), JASP/Jamovi